Ace Python Interviews
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00 Introduction
Section 1: Beginner-level questions
01 Mutable vs immutable
02 Highest square
03 *args and **kwargs
04 Lists vs. tuples
05 PEP 8
06 Local vs. global variables
07 Modules
08 Lists vs. arrays
09 What is __init__?
10 .py vs .pyc files
11 Different types of quotes
12 Docstrings
13 Swapping variables
14 break vs. continue
15 What is PyPI?
16 What are Python's basic data structures, and how are they used?
17 How do you iterate over a dict?
18 Counting vowels in a file
19 Adding to a dict
20 UnboundLocalError
Section 2: Intermediate-level questions
21 read_n
22 Fibonacci
23 What is self?
24 Sorting with lambda
25 Defaults
26 Static and class methods
27 Listing module functions
28 Memory management in Python
29 The "else" clause for loops
30 Context managers
31 Call by reference or call by value?
32 What is a closure?
33 What is the iterator protocol?
34 What is __name__?
35 str vs. bytes
36 Operator overloading
37 Whitespace separated numbers
38 Checking for palindromes
Section 3: Advanced questions
39 Mean square error
40 Type annotations
41 Recursive directory listing
42 String-only arguments
43 Class attributes
44 What is the GIL?
45 Apply a function to a directory
46 is vs ==
47 mychain
48 myrange
49 full_name property
50 Speed descriptor
Section 4: Conclusion
Ace Python Interviews
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00 Introduction
Section 1: Beginner-level questions
01 Mutable vs immutable
02 Highest square
03 *args and **kwargs
04 Lists vs. tuples
05 PEP 8
06 Local vs. global variables
07 Modules
08 Lists vs. arrays
09 What is __init__?
10 .py vs .pyc files
11 Different types of quotes
12 Docstrings
13 Swapping variables
14 break vs. continue
15 What is PyPI?
16 What are Python's basic data structures, and how are they used?
17 How do you iterate over a dict?
18 Counting vowels in a file
19 Adding to a dict
20 UnboundLocalError
Section 2: Intermediate-level questions
21 read_n
22 Fibonacci
23 What is self?
24 Sorting with lambda
25 Defaults
26 Static and class methods
27 Listing module functions
28 Memory management in Python
29 The "else" clause for loops
30 Context managers
31 Call by reference or call by value?
32 What is a closure?
33 What is the iterator protocol?
34 What is __name__?
35 str vs. bytes
36 Operator overloading
37 Whitespace separated numbers
38 Checking for palindromes
Section 3: Advanced questions
39 Mean square error
40 Type annotations
41 Recursive directory listing
42 String-only arguments
43 Class attributes
44 What is the GIL?
45 Apply a function to a directory
46 is vs ==
47 mychain
48 myrange
49 full_name property
50 Speed descriptor
Section 4: Conclusion
2 Lessons
00 Introduction