Intro Python: Fundamentals
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Section 1: Introduction
1. Introduction
2. Variable assignment
3. User input
5. Conditionals
6. Complex conditions
7. Exercise #1 (weather reaction)
8. Solution #1 (weather reaction)
Intro Python, section 1.ipynb
Section 2: Basic data types
9. None
10. True, False, and boolean context
11. Integers
12. Max int?
13. Converting to ints
14. Exercise #2 (number guessing game)
15. Solution #2 (number guessing game)
16. Hex, oct, and bin
17. Floats
Intro Python, section 2.ipynb
Section 3: Strings
Syllabus: strings
18. Intro to strings
19. Backslashes
20. Raw strings
21. Slices
22. Searching with "in"
23. Exercise #3 (Pig Latin)
24.Solution #3 (Pig Latin)
25. String methods
26. Triple-quoted strings
27. Bytes and characters
28. str.format and f-strings
29. print function options
Intro Python, section 3.ipynb
Section 4: Loops
Syllabus: loops
Intro Python, section 4.ipynb
30. for loops
31. indexes and enumerate
32. range
33. Exercise #4 (loop exercises)
34. Solution #4 (loop exercises)
35. break and continue
36. else on loops
37. while loops
Section 5: Lists
Syllabus: lists and tuples
Intro Python, section 5.ipynb
38. lists
39. Assignment and lists
40. append
41. Exercise #5 (sum and mean of numbers)
42. Solution #5 (sum and mean of numbers)
43. extend and plus equal
44. advanced inserting into lists
45. removing from a list
46. stacks and queues
47. iterating over lists
48. range
49. str.split
50. str.join
51. Exercise #6 (Pig Latin sentence)
52. Solution #6 (Pig Latin sentence)
53. Adding to strings, adding to lists
54. sorting
Section 6: Tuples
55. Intro to tuples
56. Tuples are immutable
57. Tuple creation trickiness
58. Unpacking
59. Convering to-from tuples
60. Sorting tuples
61. Exercise #7 (people)
62. Solution #7 (people)
Intro Python, section 6.ipynb
Section 7: Dictionaries
Dict syllabus
63 Intro to dicts.mp4
64. Exercise #8 (restaurant)
65. Solution #8 (restaurant)
66. Get and setdefault
67. iterating over a dict
68. Exercise #9 (Rainfall)
69. Solution #9 (Rainfall)
70. How do dicts work?
Intro Python, section 7.ipynb
Section 8: Sets
71. Intro to sets
72. Lists vs. sets
73. Adding to and removing from sets
74. Exercise #10 (dollar store)
75. Solution #10 (dollar store)
76. Set operations
77. Exercise #11 (spelling bee)
78. Solution #11 (spelling bee)
Intro Python, section 8.ipynb
79. Conclusion
PDFs of slides
1. Introduction
2. Simple data types (none, boolean, int, string)
3. Lists, tuples, sequences
4. Dictionaries and sets
Intro Python: Fundamentals
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Section 1: Introduction
1. Introduction
2. Variable assignment
3. User input
5. Conditionals
6. Complex conditions
7. Exercise #1 (weather reaction)
8. Solution #1 (weather reaction)
Intro Python, section 1.ipynb
Section 2: Basic data types
9. None
10. True, False, and boolean context
11. Integers
12. Max int?
13. Converting to ints
14. Exercise #2 (number guessing game)
15. Solution #2 (number guessing game)
16. Hex, oct, and bin
17. Floats
Intro Python, section 2.ipynb
Section 3: Strings
Syllabus: strings
18. Intro to strings
19. Backslashes
20. Raw strings
21. Slices
22. Searching with "in"
23. Exercise #3 (Pig Latin)
24.Solution #3 (Pig Latin)
25. String methods
26. Triple-quoted strings
27. Bytes and characters
28. str.format and f-strings
29. print function options
Intro Python, section 3.ipynb
Section 4: Loops
Syllabus: loops
Intro Python, section 4.ipynb
30. for loops
31. indexes and enumerate
32. range
33. Exercise #4 (loop exercises)
34. Solution #4 (loop exercises)
35. break and continue
36. else on loops
37. while loops
Section 5: Lists
Syllabus: lists and tuples
Intro Python, section 5.ipynb
38. lists
39. Assignment and lists
40. append
41. Exercise #5 (sum and mean of numbers)
42. Solution #5 (sum and mean of numbers)
43. extend and plus equal
44. advanced inserting into lists
45. removing from a list
46. stacks and queues
47. iterating over lists
48. range
49. str.split
50. str.join
51. Exercise #6 (Pig Latin sentence)
52. Solution #6 (Pig Latin sentence)
53. Adding to strings, adding to lists
54. sorting
Section 6: Tuples
55. Intro to tuples
56. Tuples are immutable
57. Tuple creation trickiness
58. Unpacking
59. Convering to-from tuples
60. Sorting tuples
61. Exercise #7 (people)
62. Solution #7 (people)
Intro Python, section 6.ipynb
Section 7: Dictionaries
Dict syllabus
63 Intro to dicts.mp4
64. Exercise #8 (restaurant)
65. Solution #8 (restaurant)
66. Get and setdefault
67. iterating over a dict
68. Exercise #9 (Rainfall)
69. Solution #9 (Rainfall)
70. How do dicts work?
Intro Python, section 7.ipynb
Section 8: Sets
71. Intro to sets
72. Lists vs. sets
73. Adding to and removing from sets
74. Exercise #10 (dollar store)
75. Solution #10 (dollar store)
76. Set operations
77. Exercise #11 (spelling bee)
78. Solution #11 (spelling bee)
Intro Python, section 8.ipynb
79. Conclusion
PDFs of slides
1. Introduction
2. Simple data types (none, boolean, int, string)
3. Lists, tuples, sequences
4. Dictionaries and sets
2 Lessons